6 Scientific Tricks To Make You Happy

[Music] what’s the most important thing in life contrary to popular opinion it’s not money fame nor even power it’s happiness this is all you really need to enjoy a high quality of life plain and simple there are plenty of people around the world…

Genuine Happiness Comes from Within

Life isn’t the sweetest candy. Sometimes, when I feel like the world is just too heavy, I look around and find people who continued to live fascinating and wonderful lives. And then thoughts come popping into my mind like bubbles from nowhere “How did their…


Having said this, even this sort of happiness is a product of positive thinking and positive action, with good fortune lending a helping hand. In short, it is a product of will in relatively favorable circumstances. But isn’t it peculiar to imply that happiness can…

Extreme Happiness Can Damage Your Health

While people who are happy are certainly more healthy and successful than thosewho are angry and depressed, Dr. Ed Diener of the University of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign told Reuters Health, people who are moderately happy may achieve more than those who are…


The truth is that we human beings require each time more that we already have. So, rich people complain that money has stolen their happy days and those who are not so financially fortunate say that only money could complete their life, that they would…